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Showing posts from July, 2012


I was fortunate enough to be surrounded by the most gracious, humble, vulnerable and loving souls over the last five days. Together, we shared an intense and transformative experience. I will always be grateful for your feedback, your stories, your gifts and your love. My heart smiled, danced, leaped and soared...I feel amazing. I am an URGENT, POWERFUL and OPEN LEADER.. :)

Embolden- new word, fabulous meaning.

Today, I met a friend of a friend for the first time at a local Starbucks. In our conversation, she used the word embolden . I complimented her and expressed that is such a great word! (I usually I have one fixated word choice that I will use- it had been emote) Obviously, I love words. Words have such a profound meaning over our lives. If you pay attention closely, you can gain insight to yourself and others by the adjectives chosen to describe how they see the world. em·bold·en /emˈbōldən/ Verb: Give (someone) the courage or confidence to do something or to behave in a certain way. Cause (a piece of text) to appear in a bold typeface. "To give someone the courage/confidence to behave in a certain way.." How beautiful is that? The more I've been reading lately, the more in love I become with words, sentences, paragraphs. Certainly, writing is an art, but it is a deliberate craft. I'd like to personalize this as the following: "Erik...

What a weeping heart taught me.

I am consciously on a path to healing from heart aches that I've had in my personal, romantic, professional, friendships and finally am in a place where I can see these experiences for what they are, what I tried to make them to be, and ultimately, what was right and wasn't right for me. My heart has been weeping over the past few days- It's healing. I choose to embrace the experience, and listen to what my heart was telling me. My heart is telling me to "Let go, Be love." I am joyfully accepting myself for my choices, and loving my mistakes because it's where I learn to be more trusting with myself.  The depth and clarity of love is so beautiful, because I am learning to follow my heart. I've had to sit with myself, embracing the pain in order to heart what I was telling myself. Although I have puffy eyes, I am facilitating my own healing. This is what I pretended not to know. My heart wept, but it's cracking a smile. My vulnerability ...