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Showing posts from March, 2013

Celebrating a new relationship!

I embrace life's highest possibilities, celebrating a new loving relationship, with..... ::drum roll:::: Writing!  It's funny, really. Everyone who knows me personally, knows that I am a writer. They see and think that I love to write!  Well, I hate to burst that bubble, but I didn't.  Writing, was arduous work. As someone who lives in her head, the act of writing would send me into a  civil war with:  1) the act of sitting still  2) the ability to strive for perfection 3) desperation to connect with an audience You see, I always wrote for me. Writing was the outlet when my world seemed dark and gloomy. When I had no friends, my journal carried me through. Confronting these fears/blockages and embracing that I am an artist, has helped me to change this paradigm.  It is said that a good writer is an avid reader, well, I am not.  To have strong command of language, the ability to say things descriptively, well, I am overt.  T


Whatever it took, we signed up, to win. Living by our word, what a journey it's been. Sometimes unwilling, sometimes unsure. Will we come together? What are we doing this for? Beyond what we wanted or what was right, beyond all our feelings, both day and night. Broke down. weekly. Broke through Weekly. As we near the end, embracing life's possibilities, the uncertainty of tomorrow. We stand, United. WE ARE LT90!!!!