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Showing posts from September, 2015

Goodbye 30, Hello 31.

30 has kicked my ass- but, a radical year of transformation, forgiveness, acceptance full of teachers, lessons, students and now, I am happy to the leave the fucker behind. Here's what I walk away with, in few words, but photos.  My cousins are and will always be my best friends. Their children? my homies.  Embrace being the outsider, but always know, you belong somewhere.  Explore where you grew up- experience nostalgia fully, find beauty everywhere.  Never be afraid to stretch yourself past wherever you thought you could.  Celebrate all walks of life.  High school brought me my best friends.  Look up more!  Have a best friend who is stronger than you, pushes you and reminds you how truly special you are.  Celebrate and cherish love.  Be silly.  God, Divine has always and will always protect me.  Forgive. Learn to be a daughter....

A Daughter's Love on 9/11

On September 11, 2001-  I was almost seventeen years old, a senior in highschool and was living in the Bronx with my father. That morning he had promised to drive me to school, making my one hour commute much easier for me.  In the morning, he had a change of heart and decided to take back his offer; Naturally, I wasn't having it. I argued, cried, screamed and pleaded with my father, pulling the Catholic Italian guilt I knew until finally he gave in. I was in my second class, and it was during this ten minute news announcement that we got word that the planes crashed into the towers. To my dismay, I called my father who was trying to get into the city.  Again, I screamed, cried and pleaded for him to go home, and he listened. On this day, I think of my dad and I because it was my relentless teenage spirit that forced him to avoid traveling to Manhattan on this day. I like to think my intuition knew and protected him from traveling. I think of my fighting spirit that...