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Showing posts from 2011

Pause: Summer Reflection

Ahh! It's summer!! (Yes I know, it's August 9th but it's still summer until September 21st!) Tonight, I have the opportunity to sit and pause to reflect on the exciting events and people that has crossed my path within the past few months. This summer has been especially remarkable; I have made myself my main priority in a healthy and positive way, and I am blessed to see how far I have truly come. Summer time is a very active season, and through close observation, of the world around and within me, one of tremendous change and expansion. I have been fortunate enough to connect with many different people, those I never knew, used to know or thought I knew. I have taken many chances, and have valuable lessons that have been applied and now I can share with others. God (substitute your word of choice here, the Universe, Life, etc) has spoken to my heart on several occasions, and has revealed Himself in mysterious ways, through the forms of situations, and messengers ...

Surrender to the Night

Look up to the sky, And surrender to the night. Don't ask how or why Just let go, enjoy the flight Comforting clouds- fade away Radiant moon, guiding the way. Exhale - the brilliant wind... Forgive- Your sorrows, Your sins. Surrender to the night.


Alas! I have rejoined the blogging world in trust, in faith and with no clue how or what I will write about. Life's all about taking chances and most importantly, as I have learned the hard way, taking consistent and massive action. I have been writing on and off for the past thirteen years. I started with journaling, then I advanced to writing poetry, songs, stories, and personal essays. I have taken up screen-writing and have like 5 pages of a script (Hey, that's 5 more than you have!.) Most recently, humor writing. I felt like I connected mostly with that. Although I have had dry spells, through life experience, I was always fine-tuning my observational and listening skills. I have learned to use my intuition wisely and most importantly, that I have a special voice. I am a writer, and a medium. My experience and unique perspective allow me to share, create and hopefully to inspire.I hope you enjoy and follow me on my journey. Xoxo,Erika

My heart says CHEESE :D

With eyes of love, I see people with broken spirits, broken hearts, physical scars and immobilized by fear. My heart cries out for them. I can feel their pain. Why? Because for a very long time, I was one of them. I am committed to posting once a week about what makes my heart smile. This is the beginning of my healing and transformation, I want to openly share this with you. I recently reset my heart by taking a very intensive workshop at Momentum Education. It was a four-day mix of lecture, experiential learning involving numerous exercises in dyads and groups. This safe environment allowed me to face the weight on my heart with courage and conviction. I was re-minded (I phrase it this way purposely) of honesty, trust, integrity, choice, and to be love. These are all concepts that I have intellectualized but have longed for with my heart. By putting in 100 %, I was able to re-define what these principles mean to me. I had the opportunity to speak to those who have hurt me, an...

The Healing Wind

The gentle wind grazes her shoulders And whispers in her ear “Even though you can not see me I am always here I am here to bring you comfort In this time of need I hear your painful cries And I am here to take the lead There are things beyond your control That you may not understand The pain you carry is unnecessary Surrender to me, I’ll hold your hand There’s a lesson to be learned A burdened heart teaches you grace In trying to control too much You are tainting your own fate Your coarse of life is changing Step left and you’ll land right It’s time to heal my baby It is time to shine your light You are here to inspire many But you need your time to heal You need to lean toward truth It’s time to address what you feel Life is a ride baby But you don’t need to hang on tight Your eyes are closed; Your walls are up You will miss the breathtaking sights Slow down. Take time to breathe. Lean into my strength I will embrace you I will teach you faith Lean into my strength even though you can...