It's been a week since my most profound moment in the Momentum Basic. I am reflecting on this week and I see the changes in me. There were a few moments where I would give up and I kept going. There were moments when I set an intention and yield a usual outcome. However, I am more accountable and I am reflecting with Grace and Acceptance. I made a commitment to authenticity, and to treat myself a framework of Grace.
So, What does grace mean? I looked it up and it is described as "simple elegance or refinement of movement." To take a leap in the spiritual realm, Grace from God is " unmerited divine assistance given humans for their regeneration or sanctification." I love this idea.
Virtue is less common in this world. Call me a Utopian, but, imagine a world where everyone was gracious? It would radiate and reflect in the way they treated his or herself and how they treated others. This is what I want to kick up in my life. I am that person, but it's not always reflective in my actions. Saying X and doing Y..(Usually, I do XY, just saying..just saying)
We are spiritual beings having a human experience. It's easy for me to admit my mistakes and my flaws. However, I am learning what self-preservation means. To add my new friend Grace to that equation, refinement in my movement.
I am re-choosing to keep my word to myself and others. I am now able to make the distinction between being understanding/forgiving and not having a certain standard of ethics/principles that you hold not only yourself to, but others as well. This distinction is HUGE for me.
I am often told that I am a "cool" person. Yes, that's true. I sometimes allow circumstances to define me. That's not cool. That's essentially dimming my light.
This is a learning process. Being in my twenties has been rewarding. I am blessed to really understand who I am, because I made a very brave choice to do so. I've had moments where so painful. But from a graceful standpoint, I choose to look at it as enlightening. It truly sets you free.
"What are you pretending not to know?" That has been so impacting for me. At this stage in my life, pretending hasn't gotten me anywhere and is counterproductive and counterintuitive for me. Owning yourself and creating your own self -definition is amazing.
Here I am, a (GRACEFUL) work in progress...:)
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