I was presently surprised today when I received a compliment from an unexpected reader.
I remember why I choose to make this cheesy blog in the first place.
If we are so inclined to reach for sugar or caffeine for pick-me-ups, this should be no different.
Sometimes, I lose my writing mojo especially because nowadays it has been solely consumed by Academia.
Fact-based writing gives me a headache. However, I've been offered yet another lesson on Resistance. I am choosing to fight against this on a daily basis.
The same thing goes for my personal writing. I act like its not important to me. I come up with very creative and insightful bullshit that is very convincing, except I know it's all bullshit.
While I used to be driven by the need to impress people, I am becoming more and more grounded. My heart is the leader, and it wants to deliver a message of love.
My purpose is to communicate family values in an accessible way. I am all about the love. I am all heart, and I am proud of that.
As I observe around me, especially after being hit by Hurricane Sandy, it seems that these values are surfacing or being cultivated again.
I believe it is a daily practice and as things change and transform, we all need reminders to keep going.
I am open because it keeps me honest and my intention is to offer insight and perspective based on my experience.
I was reminded today why I want and choose to write. It's not just about me. I will continue to fight this resistance and myself on this one.
Your feed back is always welcomed and requested.
With love and smiles,
I remember why I choose to make this cheesy blog in the first place.
If we are so inclined to reach for sugar or caffeine for pick-me-ups, this should be no different.
Sometimes, I lose my writing mojo especially because nowadays it has been solely consumed by Academia.
Fact-based writing gives me a headache. However, I've been offered yet another lesson on Resistance. I am choosing to fight against this on a daily basis.
The same thing goes for my personal writing. I act like its not important to me. I come up with very creative and insightful bullshit that is very convincing, except I know it's all bullshit.
While I used to be driven by the need to impress people, I am becoming more and more grounded. My heart is the leader, and it wants to deliver a message of love.
My purpose is to communicate family values in an accessible way. I am all about the love. I am all heart, and I am proud of that.
As I observe around me, especially after being hit by Hurricane Sandy, it seems that these values are surfacing or being cultivated again.
I believe it is a daily practice and as things change and transform, we all need reminders to keep going.
I am open because it keeps me honest and my intention is to offer insight and perspective based on my experience.
I was reminded today why I want and choose to write. It's not just about me. I will continue to fight this resistance and myself on this one.
Your feed back is always welcomed and requested.

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