I will be 30 on September 27th of this year- the past year has been about self-examination, cultivating a closer relationship with God, and getting clear on my vision. In other words, a rite of passage to womanhood- (there are things one can't get away with anymore).
I am someone who wants to play a big game- this is often people's experience of me that I am driven and have a "special" quality. (I'm all heart). But, in the past few months, I've shown up ungrateful, with a righteous attitude and have lost a few people because of it. While the toxicity is gone, I still know deep down that circumstances could have been handled more maturely and kindly.
Personal integrity is something I am working on for myself, it's a main priority- and while I've been strengthened by being of service this year, it's time I service myself.
My spirit wants to grow and come out of her shell- it requires a new level of honesty, personal responsibility and integrity- to be clear about my needs, honest about them and act accordingly. Most importantly, it's been supportive to realize HOW important LANGUAGE is. There's a power in the tongue - and to be mindful of what you think, say and do requires a discipline that is new to me.
So, while it's a challenging time, it's making a WOMAN out of me. A WOMAN who is more compassionate to herself, who LOVES herself- because without that, how can I serve others?
So, April was a month of showers- Everything literally blew up in my face and my circumstances handled me. As I move more steadfastly, I see all the flowers that will bloom in May, like moving back to my hometown. It feels nice to be home.
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